Adventures in First Grade

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Teacher Evaluations

This post is really a venting of my nervousness, fear and confusion of Virginia's new Teacher Performance Evaluation System. 

In the past, we have been evaluated by both formal and informal observations.  But that appears to be a thing of the past.  We now have a seventy page procedure manual that has to be followed.

There are two types of evaluations.  One is a rubric style that all teachers without tenure will have to complete.  Those teachers who have tenure will have to complete this type of evaluation once every three years. 

The other evaluation is an evident/not evident style. 

Both types of evaluations have the same seven standards:
     -Professional Knowledge
     -Instructional Planning
     -Instructional Delivery
     -Assessment of and for Student Learning
     -Learning Environment
     -Student Academic Progress

We are to collect data, create an online portfolio, a hard copy portfolio, and many other things to show performance indicators.

I know that this probably doesn't make much sense.  I'm still trying to figure it all out.  Tomorrow we have a meeting about the online program used to store a lot of our collected data.

If you haven't guessed, I was one of the ones chosen to complete the rubric style evaluation.  YIKES!

My question to all of you is what types of evaluations doyou have in your schools?  Are many states following a similar system with the changes in No Child Left Behind?  If you have been through something comparable, advice please!!!!!!!

Happy Tuesday and HELP!


  1. Whoa!!!!! Our union would never allow it.
    We just got this thing where after you have taught for ten years with good evals, you get a 5 year pass and no one can formally evaluate you.
    Our new system grades us: advanced, proficient, and basic.
    Keep us posted!!!!

  2. Okay, I'm in VA and I've not heard anything of these changes! Whoa... all I've been told is that because of the NCLB waiver that passed, is that this year, student performance is going to be 17% of our evaluation and next year it'll be 40%. My principal mentioned something about the 3 year evaluation rotation thing. We've been in school improvement for the past few years, so a lot of the things that are required now we've been doing (or so I think...) but I've not seen the 70 page manual!!! Sheesh!!! Good luck with your portfolio! Hopefully I won't have to be on that tenure rotation for a few years yet!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  3. I am a Virginia teacher too, and I had heard nothing of this. When I went and looked at the DOE, we have had this implemented for several years now. Nothing online yet, but I guess that is coming. We have had a three year rotation in place. I think I am in my year with three evals. YIKES! We have to keep a portfolio of information and create a measurable goal for student performance and show results. It is actually pretty doable. Good luck! I know that more changes are coming, and I hope they don't spring it on us in May!

    Reading Toward the Stars!

  4. ugh. Rumor has it PA is going to have like 50% or higher of our evaluation based on the SCHOOL performance (if we made AYP, etc...) and ALSO how every student you taught did on tests... so if I have a super low achieving student, his/her score will effect it till he/she graduates HS!!!

    We actually have a meeting tomorrow about our "supervision model" so, I might be having a "HELP" post too! Good luck!!!!!!!!!
    Rulin' The Roost

  5. The teachers in our district are evaluated formally, using a rubric system that scores basically those save 7 items you listed. It used to be every other year - now it seems like it is every year. (Tenure or not) We are also constantly informally evaluated. We haven't gone to collecting/recording data on ourselves... yet!
    You poor thing. This sounds like SO much work. Hang in there!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤
