Adventures in First Grade

Friday, September 9, 2011

Open House

Last night we had P.T.A. Open House at my school.  Which made me stop and wonder, what do you do in your classrooms when the parents and your students come to visit? 

For the last couple of years, I have taken LOTS of pictures of my firsties in the days leading up to the big night, and have made them into a slide show that plays on my SMARTBoard.  We also borrow individual mirrors from the art teacher and the children draw their self-portraits.  We write a hint so the parents have to guess which portrait and clue matches their child.

As a grade level, we assign a time line project the week prior to Open House.  The projects are displayed around the room for the parents to see.

I'd love to hear what you do for Open House!

Happy FRIDAY!!


  1. Your Open House ideas sound great. Love the slide show ideas. My school hasn't had an open house for quite a few years...Love all of the pics of your classroom and the center ideas. Thanks for sharing!
