Adventures in First Grade

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

On this day, reflecting back ten years ago, not only am I thinking of all of the people who lost their lives, but how to address September 11 in the classroom.  On Friday, our school had Red, White, and Blue Day as a way to remember what happened to our country. 

It is hard to explain, not only to first graders, but ANY age person how and why something so terrible could have happened.  A couple years ago, while I was working on my masters, one of the professors shared the book Fireboat:  The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey

It has since become one of my favorites, not only for the amazing illustrations, but for the way it tells the story of Septemember 11 through a fireboat called the John J. Harvey.  If you have not had a chance to read this book, I HIGHLY recommend it.

May we never forget.


  1. Thanks for the book recommendation!
